Fireside Chat
Meet with author Bill Brubacher.
Meet with author Bill Brubacher.
Monthly board meeting on Zoom
BON Board meeting on Zoom every second Wednesday of each month
The BON membership meets every month on the third Tuesday at noon hour on ZOOM. Please invite your colleagues and others who may be interested. At this month's Fireside Chat we welcome BON's new Co-Rep for Toronto, Crystal Beaudoin! She will be talking about her work as a Horticultural Therapist.
Bi-monthly Regional Reps meet on the fourth Monday of alternate months
Our BON Newsletter will be coming out next month! Submissions are to be directed to Sue Phillips at or to Irish Dhindsa at Please use the format sent to all members in the Newsletter Submission email that was sent out earlier this month or email Members can submit the following: Resources Book […]
BON Board meeting on Zoom every second Wednesday of each month
The BON membership meets every month on the third Tuesday at noon hour on ZOOM. Please invite your colleagues and others who may be interested. At this month's Fireside Chat we are having an Open Forum discussion facilitated by BON Chair Susan McCoy.
BON Board meeting on Zoom every second Wednesday of each month
Bi-monthly Regional Reps meet on the fourth Monday of alternate months
The BON membership meets every month on the third Tuesday at noon hour on ZOOM. Please invite your colleagues and others who may be interested. At this month's Fireside Chat we welcome our BON Board's new Member-At-Large, Irish Dhindsa! She will be talking about Grief within the Indian Culture.