Member's Directory
This directory is intended to assist members in contacting each other and to allow people searching for help to find potential support.
It has NOT been screened for referral purposes.
Therefore BON will not be responsible for any referrals or transactions made through use of this directory.
Acclaim Health
Hospice support; One-on-one bereavement support with staff; One-on-one bereavement peer support; Support Groups: Drop-in (mixed loss and young adult group); Spousal/Partner Loss; Adult Child Loss; Parental Loss; Bereavement Walking Group; Candlelight
CallEmailWebsiteHospice Toronto
A dedicated team of professionally trained peer support volunteers provide both one to one and group support to people learning to live with grief.
CallEmailWebsiteHospice Care Ottawa
Bereavement support following death due to life limiting illness.
CallEmailWebsiteHolding Space Halton
Hospice and Bereavement Counselling, End-of-Life Support, Professional Social Service Work