Member's Directory

This directory is intended to assist members in contacting each other and to allow people searching for help to find potential support.

It has NOT been screened for referral purposes.

Therefore BON will not be responsible for any referrals or transactions made through use of this directory.

Hospice Care Ottawa

Bereavement support following death due to life limiting illness.


Heart 2 Heart Personal Support Services

Certified Grief Educator, Grief Companion, Private Palliative Personal Support Worker, End-of-Life Death Doula


Aly Bird, Grief Therapist

Therapist, Author, Speaker

Province WideCallEmailWebsite

Private Practice

Grief Counselor and Educator. Private Practice--Grief Counseling for Adults and Youth. Specialization in Traumatic Bereavement and Complicated Grief. Support Group facilitation. Grief Education and Training
