Member's Directory

This directory is intended to assist members in contacting each other and to allow people searching for help to find potential support.

It has NOT been screened for referral purposes.

Therefore BON will not be responsible for any referrals or transactions made through use of this directory.

United Church of Canada

Pastoral Care, Bereavement Support, Grief Support


The Lighthouse for Grieving Children

grief support for children and their famililes


King’s University College

Still developing this area


Michelle Suzanne Scott Counselling & Support Services

Grief, Mental Health Wellness, Trauma Informed Counselling Contemplative End of Life Care


Catherine Ashton – Grief Counseling , Are you greiving? Let me help you.

Grief & Recovery, Losing someone you love to addiction. The first step to healing process can be scary, but I am here to help you through your journey

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